RISE educational provision is specifically designed to offer an age appropriate, fun, safe and empathetic place for students to learn.

With a curriculum adapted and modified, not only to meet needs and outcomes, but to develop the character, confidence and independence of the young people that attend.

Our provision setting is very aspirational, surrounded by a plethora of industries, from design and graphics to the food and drink industry, a beautiful calm setting and a rich community full of opportunities to explore all areas of need, interest and ambition.

the rise curriculum

Each young person accessing RISE will develop the confidence and passion to access the wealth of opportunities available to them and created by us, especially for them. 

We aim to utilise the vast outdoor space and plentiful sporting facilities which surround us to enrich the curriculum and learning environment for all of our students, whether as part of ALTR RISE or RISE X. Learning with RISE is intended to be a positive, exciting and innovative journey and our surroundings are a key and fundamental part of the RISE experience. Whilst we will be at some distance from other site users for the majority of the time, our unique location also provides the opportunity to help students be comfortable with social interactions in a professional environment, an invaluable life skill as students prepare to transition into the world of work.

At RISE, we aim to:  
  • Empower each young person to fulfil their potential and discover a path to independence, happiness and fulfilment through a curriculum that is tailored to meet needs; informed by appropriate background information, the young person’s voice, and aspiration and removal of all barriers.
  • Target and personalise support to maximise engagement with education and develop a passion for lifelong learning.
  • Develop resilience, mindfulness and wellbeing.
  • Foster a sense of personal worth and accomplishment.
  • Teach how to self care.
  • Offer and encourage pupil participation in a range of activities, to harness undiscovered skills.
  • Develop self confidence, self esteem and to nurture aspirational thinking and positive self assertion.
  • Teach the skills and confidence needed to access the community positively and independently.
  • To empower each young person to be individual, make informed decisions for themselves and be self-assured at communicating needs and wants.
  • Challenge the individual to fully discover who they are, to develop realistic and practical pathway plans, and to support them in having the confidence to reach their goals and ambitions.
Strategic Intent
To develop a curriculum which:
  • Engages our young people in learning for life.
  • Creates a partnership with our parents/carers and all stakeholders.
  • Develops opportunities for further education, training and employment links within the community.
  • Takes into account individual learning needs, experiences and backgrounds, starting points, future plans.
  • Allows everyone to experience success and independence.
  • Raises aspirations and standards of attainment and productivity in all areas of life.
The Curriculum – An Overview
The broad and balanced curriculum provides a strong core of accredited subjects underpinned by Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development (SMSC), fundamental British Values, Careers Guidance, Healthy Living and well-being, preparation for future plans, equality and diversity.
  • English Functional Skills Level 1 &2
  • Maths Functional Skills Level 1 &2
  • Life and Living Skills OCR Entry Level 1-3
  • Digital Employability Entry Level 1 - 3 / Level 1 Award
  • Enterprise
  • Physical activity and adaptive sports
  • Mindfulness
  • Financial Understanding
  • Personal Safety and Care
  • Careers Guidance
  • Entry Level Courses as per learners interest or career aspiration
Accreditations are not just about getting a job and forming a career. The benefits affect all parts of life; intellectual, social, sporting, personal, artistic, ethical, communication and so much more. The sense of achievement is incredibly rewarding and the opportunity to transfer those skills in functional settings develops confidence and independence. We feel that the young people work hard to acquire new knowledge, skills and understanding and deserve to have it accredited for all to see.

Qualifications can:
  • Expose young people to leading experts, their thoughts and possible networks.
  • Open minds to new ideas, concepts, innovation and creativity.
  • Develop new relationships with likeminded peers.
  • Give the ability to translate information across curriculum subjects.
  • Increased awareness of relevant risks and how to manage them.
  • The acquisition of an extended range of practical tools, techniques, applications.
The reality is that accreditations can also affect your future choices. 
Qualifications can affect:

At RISE we want all our young people to have choices and to build their skills base, personal skills and employability skills so that they can move to the next stage in their career development. We recognise that each student has a different path to take with differing needs and aspirations. The beauty of RISE is that we set the individual pace and challenge to transition the learner through varying levels of qualification when they are ready and when it is appropriate to do so. The accreditations are by the by, accrued as skills sets are enhanced. We also have the flexibility to access additional qualifications and or courses that we feel may improve a young person’s life choices and bring pleasure.
It is now a Government requirement that young people who fail to achieve a Grade 4 in English and Maths continue to study it in post 16 placements. Many young people, who have often tried to succeed at maths and English more than once, need the most experienced teachers to motivate them and accelerate learning required to pass. At RISE we offer just that, we find that the Functional Level 1 and 2 courses in maths and English allow incremental steps to obtaining the levels required whilst supporting a real world understanding of what is being taught. All work is learned in a functional context so that the skills are immediately transferable.

Accreditations available at RISE are:
  • English Functional Skills Level 1 &2   - Level 2 equivalent to Grade 4 at GCSE
  • Maths Functional Skills Level 1 &2 - Level 2 equivalent to Grade 4 at GCSE
  • Life and Living Skills OCR Entry Level 1-3
  • Digital Employability Entry Level 1 - 3 / Level 1 Award
  • Entry Level Courses as per learners’ interest or career aspiration
  • GCSE Maths and English if appropriate
  • Science Entry Level Certificate Levels 1-3
  • Accreditation can also be gained in Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, the Arts including Art Drama Dance and Music, Physical Activity
  • Where possible additional entry level courses supporting individual talents, interests and aspirations will be offered


RISE Careers Programme
RISE has a Careers Programme linked closely to the Government's new Career Strategy. Our programme connects careers education and learning to the future by giving students exposure of and experience in a variety of pathways to jobs/careers. We endeavour to provide support to enable students to make well informed and aspirational future decisions to enable successful transitions to the next stage of their lives.
Careers Surveys, Drop in careers clinics, 1:1 career guidance, Visits to local colleges and universities and workshops, Apprenticeship and Internship information, Vocational taster sessions, Vocational speakers Curriculum led careers education - classroom / educational trip and opportunities Potential Extended Work Placements Careers focus week Small group sessions – identified career pathways e.g. Engineering – employer led Employability skills, Life and Living skills, Support activities in the local Primary School and businesses.

Careers Education
Every young person needs high quality careers guidance to make informed decisions about their future pathways. To offer the greatest provision, we are committed to achieving the 10 recommendations stated in The Good career’s guidance Report. CLICK HERE

The 8 Gadsby Benchmarks followed by RISE are:

- Learning from career and labour market information through the ‘LMI for all’ Service;
- Addressing the need of each young person;
- Linking curriculum learning to careers;
- Encounters with employers, employees and review of encounters;
- Encounters with and in the workplace and review of encounters;
- Encounters with further and higher education and review of encounters;
- Personal guidance

We believe that this is particularly important for vulnerable adults or those with special educational needs where to make informed decisions. They need to see, hear, feel what is available to them. RISE are fortunate enough to be based amid a variety of employers and employees and opportunity to experience a variety of vocations. RISE has a clear careers plan, demonstrating how we will achieve the benchmarks and good destination data. We have a member of the governing body who has the remit of encouraging employer engagement and has a strategic interest in career guidance.

RISE encourages parents/carers to engage in their child's career planning. 

In line with the Government Careers Strategy, we have a designated RISE Career Leader. Keighly Murphy is available to discuss careers options and pathways at
To see the Careers Policy click here

Digital Employability Entry Level 1 - 3 / Level 1 Award OCR 
Whether you use a laptop to apply for jobs, a tablet for time management and diary keeping or phone for communication and emails, technology not only saves you time but is a necessary skill in today's evolving digital world. According to UK Digital Skill’s TaskForce, only 7% of jobs won't require some form of IT skills. Even applying for a job online or being able to take advantage of online services such as booking a hair appointment or shopping call for digital skills. There is a need for digital citizenship, digital fluency and digital literacy to manage basic needs; understanding how to process this digital world is a key skill that we feel is essential to life management, training, education, the world of work and independent living. The digital world has also profoundly changed the way young people learn and interact. It is used to develop friendships, how they spend their leisure time and their engagement with the local community, the services that it offers and engagement with a wider society. Young people who lack digital skills risk being left behind; not able to harness the same opportunities that digital technologies can provide.

These benefits include;· 
• Access to adaptive technologies that make learning and work more accessible.
• Access to additional education, training and jobs 
• Access to news and current affairs and information sources that help protect health, safety and rights.    
• Access to local community opportunities and services for health, care, social support and leisure. 

Along with the substantial opportunities the digital age brings, come a diverse range of risks and harms. At RISE we believe that young people need training to teach digital skills and online safety  so they can assess reliable news and information sources and navigate the pressures of social MEDIA, as highlighted in a report released on Jan 4 by England's Children's Commissioner. This course is also an important forum for discussing cyberbullying, and anti-bullying programmes which include online harassment. See Safeguarding Policies here.This course offers a suite of qualifications that delivers the digital skills required for today’s world.Digital Employability qualification covers the digital skills that learners need to apply for jobs, to work in a 21st century environment and to participate as digital citizens.  They’ll gain the core knowledge they need to use IT in different contexts, particularly in the workplace. They’ll know how to use the Internet effectively and safely, work with different devices and process data.
The skills gained on the course include:·       
• Become familiar with digital devices to find information, receive and reply to messages
• Use digital devices to find and request information, send and reply to messages and emails F    
• Know the basics of using digital technologies·       
• Use digital technologies to organise documents·       
• Use digital technologies to produce documents from templates·       
• Use digital technologies to process data·       
• Use digital technologies to proves images to make graphics·       
• Use digital technologies to send and reply to emails·       
• Use digital technologies to find information·  
• Use digital technologies to manages files and folders·       
• Use digital technologies to create documents·       
• Use digital technologies to work with data·   
• Use digital technologies to work with graphics·       
• Use digital technologies to manage emails·   
• Use digital technologies to find and share information

Employability OCR Entry Level 3, Level 1 and Level 2
This course, written in consultation with employers offers the young person the skills and character requirements that enable the best foundation for employability. By exploring a combination of Vocational studies alongside Life skills, young people can tailor their skills sets to support progression on their future pathways. By supporting the developing character, creativity, resilience, self-esteem and confidence we can support to shape a more positive and independent future for our young people. This more practically taught course will aid the young person to more confidently enter the workplace, to return to the workplace or transition to college, traineeships or further education. Units studied will cover real world tasks such as searching for jobs and courses, completing applications and preparing for interviews.

Enterprise and

‘Enterprise’ allows young people to apply creative ideas and innovations to practical solutions. Combining this with entrepreneurship helps to teach the young people how to start a venture that capitalises on the idea.

At RISE we use experiential learning to develop an enterprise project that will be beneficial to the young person and the local community.

The venture will become a sustainable business that will offer work experience and possible employment opportunities in the future.

Undertaking this curriculum has many benefits, to include:
• Builds awareness of the wider world
• Develops creative thinking
• Problem solving
• Opportunity to identify personal strengths
• Confidence in work related activities
• Planning and Organisational skills
• Communication and negotiation skills
• Teamwork 
• Enhanced competencies

Links will be made with community resources, the bakery, gym, schools, shops, restaurants to learn appropriate skills and research will be undertaken in the community to back the business idea to be explored. All Enterprise projects will be run by the young people offering employment opportunities and work experience opportunities.

face work tools

Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted, counts” Albert Einstein

ALTR recognises the growing importance of soft skills. We want to help shape a learners character, behaviour, attitudes and prepare them for the real world in which they are going to be living. RISE endeavours to prioritise these key skills and attributes that will enable the young people to live happy, fulfilling and independent lives well beyond education. We use the face work tools to devise lessons appropriate to support future pathways and student need. By exploring Face work challenges we can significantly improve a young persons future prospects and social mobility by teaching them how to take responsibility, learn about and use initiative, be creative, manage their emotions, cope with rejection and barriers. These skills are taught creatively and in real world scenarios to increase transferability and build confidence.

These tools are woven into two accredited qualifications:
• Life and Living Skills OCR Entry Level 1-3.     
• Employability OCR Entry Level 3, Level 1 and Level 2

To explore the ethos behind Face work and the tools we use see


Today’s young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world where lives are lived both on and offline. This has positive and exciting opportunities, but also risks and challenge. With this in mind, it is imperative that we teach our young people how to be happy, safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives positively.

Our Personal, Social and Health Education Programme broadly covers:

Healthy bodies and lifestyles, including keeping safe, puberty, drugs and alcohol education; Healthy minds, including emotional wellbeing, resilience, mental health; Economic wellbeing and financial capability; Careers education; Preparation for the workplace and making a positive contribution to society.

When teaching Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education, the depth and breadth of views is apparent, and often there are legitimate areas of contention. At ALTR our guiding principles have been that all of the content taught must be age appropriate and developmentally appropriate. It will be taught sensitively and inclusively, with respect to the backgrounds and beliefs of young people and their families. WE will however always provide young people with the knowledge they need of the law.

We understand that parents and carers are the prime educators on these topics however we will build on that knowledge and understanding and give opportunity for the young people to ask questions and share thoughts and opinions and for us to be adapt the curriculum to address the needs emerging in the school and local community. Teaching wellbeing is central to the work that we undertake at RISE and RISEX, understanding innate health and wellbeing is key to happiness and balance. With this in place students will be more resilient and better equipped to manage the increasing challenges, risks and disappointments that live can present. We hope to develop character and personal attributes.

Alongside this is Financial capability and awareness, life and living skills and Digital citizenship all geared towards independence, meeting ambitions and careers pathways; enabling all young people to be happy, successful adults who have meaning in their own lives and offer meaningful contribution to society. See Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education Policy.
Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
ALTR realise that areas of the Secondary curriculum may need revisiting to embed content for the young people with whom we work. As a result, we are adopting the Statutory Guidance from the government as to the content of our Relationships education. The aim is to give information young people need to help them develop healthy relationships of all kinds, not just intimate relationships. The programme will help the young people to understand the benefits that a healthy relationship can bring to mental wellbeing and self-respect.

Curriculum Overview:

Topics to be covered:
• Families Respectful relationships including friendships
• Online and media
• Being safe
• Physical health and mental wellbeing
• Intimate and sexual relationships including sexual health
• The Law

To explore the content of the RISE Relationship Education in greater detail please see Programme Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education Government Guidance. CLICK HERE

Every young person needs high quality careers guidance to make informed decisions about their future pathways. In order to offer the greatest provision we can, we are committed to achieving the 10 recommendations stated in The Good careers guidance Report. 

The 8 Gadsby Benchmarks followed by RISE are:
• A stable careers programme
• Learning from career and labour market information through the ‘LMI for all’ Service.
• Addressing the need of each young person
• Linking curriculum learning to careers 
• Encounters with employers, employees and Review of encounters.
• Encounters with and the workplace and Review of encounters.
• Encounters with further and higher education and Review of encounters. 
• Personal guidance

We believe that this is particularly important for vulnerable adults or those with special educational needs where in order to make informed decisions they need to see, hear, feel what is available to them. RISE are fortunate enough to be based amid a variety of employers and employees and opportunity to experience a variety of vocations. RISE has a clear careers Plan demonstrates how we will achieve the benchmarks and good destination data. We have a member of the governing body who has the remit of encouraging employer engagement and have a strategic interest in careers guidance. 

Sensory Circuits

Sensory circuits are a great way to energise and calm young people with Special Educational Needs. A circuit runs in three sections based on theories of sensory processing and sensory integration.

Alerting Section
This provides vestibular stimulation, providing the brain with sensory information every time the position of the head moves in relation to gravity, in a controlled environment. Activities include jumping, use of yoga balls for movement, trampettes.

Organising Section
This includes activities that require Multi-sensory processing and balance. The young person organises their body, plans an approach and will do more than one thing at a time. These activities may include balance, hopping, climbing, throwing.

Calming Section
These activities ensure that as the young people leave the circuits that they are calm and centred, ready for the day ahead. This may include a wrap, an exercise ball squash, press ups, crawling in tunnels. By using it at the beginning of the day, after lunch breaks or when needed during the day, we can focus concentration and support the young person to be ready to learn and develop processing skills.

Regularly undertaken, longer term benefits may include:·       
Development of physical skills·       
Differences in focus and attention and improved ability to calm·
Some quiet, unresponsive young people are more readily engaging socially with other children in their class.·
Quicker, more efficient dressing skills·       
Opportunities to engage in specific learning during the activities·       
Improved communication skills 

Financial Capability

RISE believe that all young people need to be ‘financially literate’ so that they can best manage their finances and have a more independent future. Not only do we support the young people with developed mathematical knowledge they need, we also as support them apply that to the real world. Where possible, we learn by ‘doing’, This course equips the young person with the knowledge to cope confidently and effectively with basic financial encounters they are likely to meet. They will develop initial knowledge and understanding of spending and how to become competent at managing their own money. 

Students will explore:What is money? What is income? How do we calculate income?  Sources of money Where can we store money? How do bank accounts work? What is spending and how can we spend money?What is budgeting? How can we save money? What is selling? What is borrowing? How do we borrow sensibly? What is insurance? How do we keep our money safe? 

Learning outcomes are:
  • LO1 Understand the principles of money 
  • LO2 Understand how to manage money
  • LO3 Understand the ways of keeping money safe
Financial Capability will be explored in Mathematics Functional skills and Life and Life Skills.

life and Living Skills
OCR Entry Level 1-3

The OCR Life and Living Skills suite of Entry Level qualifications enable the young person to develop a range of key skill areas; including pre-employability, personal and social skills, ICT, Media a variety of vocations. The course offers credit based, nationally recognised qualification, and has valuable opportunities for individuals to develop skills, gain underpinning knowledge and understanding. It offers opportunities for learners to progress to higher level units in the suite or to achieve units at the same level.

Any combination of units can be selected based on the aspirations and or needs of the young person offering a rich and personalised learning programme for each learner. These Foundation Learning qualifications are in the Regulated Qualifications Framework and appear on the Register of Regulated Qualifications. Young people can explore: Arts and crafts, Communication, Environment and community, Home Management, Horticulture, ICT, manufacturing, Media, Motor Vehicles, Numeracy, Office Practice, Numeracy, Performing Arts, Personal skills, world of work.

All teaching will be ‘real world’ for the young person, they will explore how the skills sets relate to the workplace, living management, or independence beyond the provision. Learners will also have the opportunity to use the skills in an appropriate setting to ensure that they are embedded.

For more information see


The correlation between body and mind wellness is important to consider. Mindfulness is concerned with being aware of one’s thoughts and feelings whilst also focussing on what is happening in the body. Research shows that regular mindfulness activity can build resilience to stress and cause significant changes in the biochemical structure of our brains; changing our behaviour. There is also suggestion that mindfulness affects our amygdala making one less susceptible to stressful stimuli. Mindfulness in PE programming has proven to enhance holistic wellness and harmonious body and mind, we hope to provide our young people with valuable tools for building and maintaining a healthier lifestyle and strategies to transfer skills learned to all aspects of their life that may bring fear, anxiety and challenge. 

Activities may include:    
• Breathing techniques     
• Meditation and relaxation     
• Yoga      
• Dance     
• Cooperation Games 

Mindfulness will be incorporated within all practices at RISE. To learn to be present in the moment and use that body-mind synergy, will help all young people to obtain focus over their emotions, sensations and actions happening in that moment. Mindfulness games are an effective way of calming, practicing perception and increasing focus.

Literacy at RISE

“The UK is the only economically developed country where 16 to 24-year-olds have the lowest literacy skills of any age group in society. In England 14.9% of adults aged 16-65 lack functional literacy skills. This equates to 5.1 million people.”

For vulnerable adults, poor literacy skills can be a significant obstacle to independence, working life and social and economic equality. This is why at RISE put excellence in literacy at the heart of all that we do. We are committed to developing innovative, engaging and successful teaching and learning in literacy. We believe that language and literacy is fundamental to the overall development of young people and their access to the whole curriculum. Literacy also underpins effective communication, orally and in writing, and reading a wide range of texts will being with it many opportunities.

Reading is a daily activity at RISE, personal reading, 1:1 reading, reading to the group, reading to children at the local nursery, paired reading in the local Primary schools to support younger learners and reading of a variety of materials is encouraged. We want all learners to be ‘readers’ who take pleasure from the experience and reap the rewards in access to the curriculum, independence and life long learners.
The more you read, the more things you will know, the more you learn, the more places you will go.

English Functional Skills Level 1 & 2
English GCSE where required
This functional course is accessed by all at an appropriate level. It gives students practical skills for the modern world, giving them the confidence to communicate confidently and independently. It develops good communication skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening. This qualification supports students can use these key literacy skills to prepare for further education, work and independent living.This course is more accessible as it uses a range of relevant, real-life texts, contexts and scenarios, and reflects the Functional English that they may be exposed to.

Some of the activities involve:·       
• Reading leaflets, reports or articles·       
• Writing letters, emails or notices·       
• Taking part in discussions and giving presentations
• For more information on this course see

For our Literacy Policy click here

Numeracy Strategy

RISE believe that “Good numeracy is the best protection against unemployment, low wages and poor health”.

We use mathematics in every aspect of our lives from practical everyday tasks to home, work and beyond. We use it for planning journeys, shopping, decorating a room, arranging appointments; So may decisions in our lives are based on numeracy that we must be numerate to participate, be independent and make good choices. 

Being in a digital world we are surrounded by more numerical data than ever before. Our confidence and ability with numbers impacts us financially, socially, and professionally. It even affects our health and wellbeing. Mathematics is a tool for everyday life. It is a whole network of concepts and relationships which provide a way of viewing and making sense of the world. It is used to analyse and communicate information and ideas and to tackle a range of practical tasks and real life problems. For vulnerable adults, poor numeracy skills can be a significant obstacle to independence, working life and social and economic equality. This is why at RISE put excellence in numeracy at the heart of all that we do. We are committed to developing innovative, engaging and successful teaching and learning in numeracy. We aim to develop and raise the standards of Mathematics for all of our learners. This means developing the ability of learners to use numeracy skills effectively in all areas of the curriculum and beyond. Learners should use numeracy skills to cope confidently with the demands of further education, employment and adult life.

Numeracy is embedded across the curriculum and explored in greater detail in our digital employability course and life and life skills. These lessons bring the numeracy to life for the learners and enterprise allows them to: calculate, to reason logically, algebraically, and geometrically; to solve problems; and to handle data. Learners are given the opportunity to participate in mathematical challenges in the community, helping to facilitate events, officiate at local Primary school sports days and work based experiences.
Mathematics Functional Skills Level 1 &2
GCSE Maths where required
Maths really is ‘for everyone’. This functional course allows learners to explore ‘real world mathematics’ in real life contexts together. Using this course we explore mathematics that we encounter on a practical basis. This course offers the teacher the flexibility to tailor the course and resources to meet the needs of the learner by using resources that relate directly to their future pathways. We use this course to enable the student to master the key skills needed for their future destination, whatever that may be. This course is more accessible as it uses a range of relevant, real-life texts, contexts and scenarios, and reflects the Functional Mathematics that they may be exposed to. 

Some of the activities involve underpinning skills and problem solving in topics such as:
• Use of number and the number system.
• Use of measures, shape and space.
• Handling information and data.

For more information on this course see

Sports in the Community:
physical activity and adaptive sports

ALTR knows the importance of having a balance in all aspects of life; social, physical, and mental. For young people with additional needs, physical activity can be daunting, cause deep routed anxieties and in some instances fear. At RISE we plan our physical curriculum to be mindful that those with mobility issues may tire more quickly, those with sensory issues may need adaptive clothing or environments, the challenges that some from social understanding and communication in teams sports can be overwhelming and will need pre teaching, structure and preparation, those whose weight has risen due to medication may need additional nurture and confidence building solitary activity before working with other teams of people.

Active participation will:·       
• Develop muscle strength, coordination, and flexibility.       
• Improve exercise endurance, cardiovascular fitness.
Have a positive effect on their health, quality of life and encourage lifelong interests.      
• Experience better balance, body awareness, gross and fine motor skills.
• Will show improvement in behaviour, learning, self-confidence and building friendships and boost self-esteem.
• Physical activity is also a great outlet for physical energy, and will help teach strategies to cope with stress, anxiety and depression.
• Teach a sense of accomplishment and personal satisfaction.
• Increase ability to be ‘on task’ for longer periods of time and in a variety of transferable settings and correct levels of response to physical, mental and social challenges.
• Can appetite and improve quality of sleep. Also a decrease in secondary health complications like obesity, high blood pressure, low HDL cholesterol and diabetes. 

Outdoor education
Here at RISE, we have a wide expanse or rural space offering great opportunities for outdoor education that is both structured and unstructured; walking, orienteering,  problem solving and team building skills. Drawing on theories of experiential and environmental education, removing the social customs and norms, being  challenged physically and mentally, developing key team building skills.

IT Technology
RISE also explores the use of IT Technology to open up new realms of possibility. With less equipment, a controlled environment, greater predictability a young person can play interactive electronic games that will foster social skills, and access gams that develop strength, body awareness, hand eye coordination, gross motor development, ability to follow sequences or balance.

Physical movement activities
For those whom no form of sport or exercise is of interest, movement activities will be encouraged through gardening, treasure hunts, photography in the community/ countryside, circus skills, kite flying, a frisbee throw, hoola hooping, skipping may be more beneficial. Pleasure and confidence building in these games will pave the way to try new activities. RISE believes in adaptation of activities to obtain the same results.

Sensory Circuits
Sensory circuits are a great way to energise and calm young people with Special Educational Needs. A circuit runs in three sections based on theories of sensory processing and sensory integration.
1.      Alerting SectionThis provides vestibular stimulation, providing the brain with sensory information every time the position of the head moves in relation to gravity, in a controlled environment. Activities her include jumping, use of yoga balls for movement, trampettes.
2.      Organising SectionThis includes activities that require Multi-sensory processing and balance. The young person organises their body, plans an approach and will do more than one thing at a time. These activities may include balance, hopping, climbing, throwing.
3.      Calming SectionThese activities ensure that as the young people leave the circuits that they are calm and centred, ready for the day ahead. This may include a wrap, an exercise ball squash, press ups, crawling in tunnels. By using it at the beginning of the day, after lunch breaks or when needed during the day, we can focus concentration and support the young person to be ready to learn and develop processing skills.

Regularly undertaken, longer term benefits may include:·       
• Development of physical skills.      
• Differences in focus and attention and improved ability to calm.     
• Some quiet, unresponsive young people are more readily engaging socially with other children in their class.    
• Quicker, more efficient dressing skills.   
• Opportunities to engage in specific learning during the activities.
• Improved communication skills.

The correlation between body and mind wellness is important to consider. Mindfulness is concerned with being aware of one’s thoughts and feelings whilst also focussing on what is happening in the body. Research shows that regular mindfulness activity can build resilience to stress and cause significant changes in the biochemical structure of our brains; changing our behaviour. There is also suggestion that mindfulness affects our amygdala making one less susceptible to stressful stimuli. Mindfulness in PE programming has proven to enhance holistic wellness and harmonious body and mind, we hope to provide our young people with valuable tools for building and maintaining a healthier lifestyle and strategies to transfer skills learned to all aspects of their life that may bring fear, anxiety and challenge.
Activities may include:     
• Breathing techniques.     
• Meditation and relaxation.     
• Yoga.       
• Dance.     
• Cooperation Games.

Mindfulness will be incorporated within all practices at RISE. To learn to be present in the moment and use that body-mind synergy, will help all young people to obtain focus over their emotions, sensations and actions happening in that moment. Mindfulness games are an effective way of calming, practicing perception and increasing focus. 

Sports activities 
At RISE we have access to grass pitches for football, rugby, hockey, ultimate frisbee, cricket, rounders, softball and health and fitness programmes. In addition, there are tennis courts and squash facilities. Each activity offers improved health and fitness, team building skills, improved communication and motor skills, and development of strategic thinking and problem solving. We are also fortunate enough to have access to the gym and a yoga studio that is available for use by members of the public, offering further opportunity not just for health, fitness and mindfulness but also to test their social communication skills, engaging with like minded adults. Exposure to community facilities also supports understanding of socially acceptable proxemics so they can understand the concept of boundaries.

Vocational training

Vocational training is a one of a kind learning experience that that emphasises knowledge and skills needed for a specific trade, craft or job function. Our young people benefit from the vocational experience because it focuses on practical applications of the skills learned or acquired. This gives meaning, consolidates understanding and familiarises the young person with the whole experience of the role by it providing the much-needed hands-on instruction in a specific trade.

Historically, this training was confined to certain trades like welding, automotive services, and carpentry but the horizon of vocational training has expanded with the evolution of time. Today, a wide range of job functions like retail training, tourism management, property management, food and beverage management, computer network management and floral designing are also being included under this category.

Vocational experiences work as a connecting link between theoretical education and the real working environment and, students can join these types of programs at any level and are the perfect platform for moving into Traineeships or Apprenticeships. In addition, they give a young person the opportunity to experience career paths prior to committing to a pathway. This allows them to experience a range of careers so that they can make informed decisions about next step and future pathways, ruling things in or as importantly, ruling things out.

RISE find that young people who have undertaken vocational training a clear edge in job searches because they possess the knowledge and practical experience to enter a specific field. Our location continues to support enterprise, as we can network and collaborate with local businesses. This aligns perfectly with our ethos and enables our young people to have access to a number of vocational experiences with on site to include childcare provisions, catering industries, graphic design, retail, landscaping, science and research, hospitality and leisure and many opportunities have been sought with local businesses in the community.

The vocational experiences had by each learner will vary depending on their aspirations and future plans. Every young person will undertake work experience, and all will be introduced to Traineeship and Apprenticeship opportunities in the community

RISE has working links with:
• Bedford College
• Shuttleworth College
• Tresham College
• Moulton College

Students will be exposed The Government Apprenticeship website and supported to apply for any trainee or apprenticeship that they may be keen to start when ready to transition away from RISE on the next step of their future plan.
This can be found at:

work based placements

ALTR RISE offers a bolt-on package for parents or Local Authorities wishing to incorporate short or longer term work experience placements for their young person.
This bolt on package includes:

  • sourcing and appropriate work experience placement or undertake into safeguarding checks with placements sought privately;
  • work with placement to ensure smooth transition;
  • transition into the work placement;
  • regular progress observations and reports;
  • safeguarding checks